Booking Policy

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Your Booking Journey: Policies and Procedures

Booking Policy

Welcome to’s Booking Policy page. We want to ensure that your travel bookings with us are transparent, convenient, and hassle-free. Please take a moment to review our booking policies outlined below:

1. Booking Process

– To make a booking with, you can use our online booking platform, contact our dedicated sales team, or visit our office in London.

– All bookings are subject to availability and are confirmed only once payment is received.

2. Payment

– We accept various payment methods, including credit/debit cards, bank transfers, and other secure payment options.

– The payment amount and schedule may vary depending on the type of service booked. Please refer to your booking confirmation for details.

3. Booking Changes and Cancellations

– If you need to make changes to your booking or cancel it, please contact our customer support team as soon as possible.

– Changes and cancellations may be subject to fees or penalties, depending on the service provider’s terms and conditions.

4. Refunds

Refunds, when applicable, are subject to the refund policy of the respective service provider and may require some processing time.

We are committed to assisting you throughout the refund process to ensure a seamless experience. Generally, refunds from airlines can take up to 30 working days to process once a ticket has been issued and subsequently canceled.

In cases where refunds are requested shortly after a deposit has been made and before ticket issuance, the processing time may be shorter, typically within 10 working days.

Please note that exact refund processing times may vary depending on the specific airline or service provider’s policies. Rest assured, we will keep you informed and guide you through the refund procedure for your peace of mind.

5. Travel Documents

– It is the traveler’s responsibility to ensure they have the necessary travel documents, such as passports, visas, and travel insurance, as required by the destination and service providers.

6. Travel Insurance

– We strongly recommend that all travelers purchase comprehensive travel insurance to protect themselves against unforeseen circumstances, including trip cancellations, delays, or medical emergencies.

7. Privacy and Data Security

– Your privacy and data security are of utmost importance to us. Please review our [Privacy Policy] for details on how we handle your personal information.

*8. Contact Us*

– If you have any questions or concerns regarding our booking policies, please do not hesitate to [contact us]0207 112 9093. Our dedicated team is here to assist you.

By making a booking with, you acknowledge and agree to abide by these booking policies. We recommend reviewing them before making a reservation to ensure a smooth and enjoyable travel experience.